Managing your customers, sales, and inventory is a full-time job. How can you find time to focus on managing your RTO business?
You need a platform that can do it all. Connect your website to cynergi|suite. Receive order leads. Automatically import new customer data. Link new order leads to existing customer data.
cynergi|suite's E-Commerce Web Order Widget does the paperwork for you.
The cynergi|suite E-Commerce Web Order Widget makes the buying process easier for you and your customers. Instead of navigating through multiple web applications, the E-Commerce Web Order Widget connects your company's website directly to the cynergi|suite platform, allowing you to easily capture customer data and order leads.
The sales pipeline can be tricky. With the E-Commerce Web Order Widget, cynergi|suite streamlines your workflows and adds notifications and processing enhancements to improve the buying process from the business end.
When a customer completes the E-Commerce Web Order Widget through your website, a notification appears in the cynergi|suite platform. Simply click the shopping cart icon to view all incoming customer data, read customer-entered notes, import customer information, or link the website order to an existing customer.
For easier data management, all web order data enters the platform as a new prospect. Once you've received the customer data from your website, you can:
You can further control the data obtained through your website via cynergi|suite's Web Order API. Produced by High Touch Technologies, cynergi|suite is backed by over 35 years of software development experience. Our team of developers can help customize the Web Order API to better meet your business's needs.
Contact your Account Executive or fill out a contact form to learn more.
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