
New Release: Inventory Audit Application and Dashboard

November 13th, 2020

Wichita, Kan. — (November 5, 2020) — cynergi|suite has a shiny new mobile application and dashboard that’s ready to help rent-to-own businesses evolutionize the way they conduct idle inventory audits, saving companies time, money, and valuable resources. We’re excited to introduce the Inventory Audit Application and Inventory Audit Dashboard.

A regular idle inventory audit is a painstakingly manual process where an employee must use a handheld device to scan barcodes for every piece of idle inventory in an RTO store’s possession. Once recorded, RTO store and franchise owners can review the audits, ensuring their entire stock has been accounted for.

These new tools, exclusive to cynergi|suite’s rent-to-own software platform, will enable new efficiencies for RTO store employees, managers, and owners.

Solving Idle Inventory Audit Problems

Previously, idle inventory audits required purchasing a handheld barcode scanner. Employees would use the device to scan barcodes and upload the results to the system. Frequently, in the middle of the audit, the devices would lose connectivity, causing the current inventory audit process results to be deleted.

With the Inventory Audit Application and Dashboard, businesses can forego purchasing the barcode scanner and forget about connectivity issues.

Inventory Audit App
Inventory Audit App

Using the Inventory Audit Application

The Inventory Audit Application is free to download and compatible with most Apple and Android devices with a camera. Once configured, employees can use mobile devices with cameras instead of barcode scanners. Multiple employees can scan inventory simultaneously and actively upload their results to the Inventory Audit Dashboard within cynergi|suite.

In a nutshell, auditing your idle inventory using cynergi|suite is easier:

  • No required native hardware
  • Easy to navigate user interface
  • Enhanced application, dashboard, and database synchronization
  • Multiple device support

More About The Inventory Audit Application

Integrating the Inventory Audit Dashboard

The Inventory Audit Dashboard within cynergi|suite is where store managers, owners, and franchisers can view all ongoing inventory audits, schedule future inventory audits, review past audits, evaluate the overall enterprise audit status, approve audits, and view exceptions.

Within the Inventory Audit Dashboard, users can also set notifications to remind stores of upcoming or past due inventory audits.

More About The Inventory Audit Dashboard

Inventory Audit Dashboard

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